Using Empower for Professional Development

Using Empower for Professional Development

Empower is a great way to monitor learning and deliver instruction. Not just to kids, but to learners of all ages. Empower comes preloaded with a few features to get you started using it for professional development.

Training Site

You will find a "school site" created by default in Empower called Training Site.  This is a place where teachers can act in a student role and admins can act as teachers for the purpose of using Empower's suite of tools to support PD.

Each teacher account generated by a SIS connection will also get a student account. You can recognize these automatically generated accounts by their format: USERNAME_student.

An school leader can select the training site when adding students to a group and a list of the teachers will appear. The leader can now add teachers to their group as students.

Teachers can toggle between their teacher and student roles by clicking the PD button on the right of the header in Empower.

All of the LMS & Gradebook tools are available on the Training Site just like they are on any other site. 

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