Scoring Inbox

Scoring Inbox

The Scoring Inbox

The scoring inbox is the easiest and most efficient way to score work that is submitted via Empower (that is, not quick evidence).

When we click on the inbox, we get something similar to the below screen:

As you might imagine, the 973 pieces of evidence can be overwhelming to sort, so let's look at the filter options to be the most efficient.

Under the box labeled "filters", there are many options, including 1) type of activity (activities, quizzes, or both); 2) activities & quizzes (listing them all in the inbox); 3) groups (listing all groups, including classes); 4) learners (ability to filter by specific learners); 5) a sort filter (see below for details); 6) standards (ability to filter by standard(s)).

Filtering by Activity and using the Scoring Inbox tools

This filter option is probably the most useful, as teachers tend to score the same activities all at once, rather than skip around from activity to activity.

Once we filter by activity, only students with that activity are shown. The following screen is showing only the "Linear/Exponential Tables" activity, and there are 14 learners that have submitted evidence for this activity.

In order to review the work from here, we click on the "submitted work" - in the above example, the submitted work is titled "ixl".

As you can see, an image pops up (this is a screenshot the learner produced to show evidence for this activity). The headings for this part of the screen include "brush size", "font size", etc, allowing us to annotate the image.

There are two things the teacher needs to do to complete the process. First, review the activity, and second, score the activity.

There are also some optional things to do for the teacher.

Filtering by Groups

Filter to see all evidence submitted by a group all at once.

Filtering by Learners

Filter to see all evidence submitted by specific learners all at once.

Filtering by Sort

Filter to sort by activity name, by group name, by learner name, by date (ascending or descending), or by any evidence scored as "missing" by the teacher.

Filtering by Standard

Filter to see all evidence submitted by individual standard name.


In the comment box, teachers can ask students to resubmit work that they want the learner to continue to work on. This could be for many reasons; for example, a teacher might want to collect and score draft versions of an essay, while not wanting multiple pieces of evidence.

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