LTI is an acronym for Learning Technology Interoperability.
LTI connectivity gives Empower the opportunity to simplify searching and connecting content from a third-party application which is also LTI compatible. It can also simplify the login process so users don't have to log in to multiple applications.
Empower supports LTI 1.0 at present.
To set this up get the following information from the third-party application and post it to Empower's Helpdesk requesting the connection be made to your Empower install:
Default Image (optional):
Common Cartridge
*This feature is being developed in Empower and hopes to be ready Fall 2020.
Common Cartridge is a shared format which allows content to be exported from another application and uploaded into Empower as Activities or Playlists. This content is often self-authored.
Known applications that support Common Cartridge:
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