Learner-Created Activities workflow

Learner-Created Activities workflow

When learners create their own activities to submit to teachers in order to add to their own body of evidence for a proficiency scale (or scales), there is a workflow necessary to understand what is happening and how it happens.

First, students will select which class/group they want to submit evidence to.

Next, Empower checks whether a playlist named "Learner-Created Work" exists for the class. If it does not, Empower creates one for the class. If one already exists, go to the next step.

Next, Empower checks if there is a SUB-PLAYLIST with that student's name in the "Learner-Created Work" playlist. If not, a sub-playlist is created. If so, the work goes into that folder.

All work that a student submits for a class/group will go into that folder. A student will have only ONE sub-folder per class/group.

From the student homepage, students/parents can see the activities they created on their homepage.

Students can submit work like any other activity in Empower.

Here is a video from the learner's point-of-view:

That work will then show up in the scoring inbox for the teacher, where they can score it as normal.

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