Does Empower have the capacity to store/provide a place for curriculum maps?

Does Empower have the capacity to store/provide a place for curriculum maps?

Curriculum mapping is a process for collecting and recording curriculum-related data that identifies core skills and content taught, processes employed, and assessments used for each subject area and grade level. The completed curriculum map then becomes a tool that helps teachers keep track of what has been taught and plan what will be taught.

Empower is a curriculum map but perhaps not in the traditional sense you refer. Since we are competency based, all core skills and content taught is built into the target browser. Processes employed and assessments used for each subject/grade level have homes as well. I'm sure you are familiar with the target browser which maps essential learning by development/grade level. You can further map content into "courses" as needed by using the "course playlist". So yes, Empower manages all curriculum but not in a traditional matrix. 
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