Correcting Critical Concepts Spreadsheets for Upload

Correcting Critical Concepts Spreadsheets for Upload

The sheets that are given to purchasers of the Critical Concepts require finessing before they are able to be uploaded to Empower. Below is that process.

  1. Combine all tabs onto a single tab (exclude header)

  2. Insert a column left of G

  3. G is now H, G is blank.

  4. Cut contents of D, Paste to I

  5. If done properly, headers now say: 

    1. Measurement Topic Name

    2. Grade

    3. Content Area

    4. Blank

    5. Scale Level

    6. Vocab Term

    7. Blank

    8. Element

    9. Related 3.0 Element Code

  6. Insert this formula in D2: =CONCATENATE(A2," (",C2, " ",B2,")")

  7. Drag D2 to the bottom

  8. Insert this formula into G2: =CONCATENATE(I2," - ",H2)

  9. Drag G2 to the bottom

  10. Sort sheet by I (A-Z with expanded selection)

  11. In rows where I is blank (should be all level 4s, replace contents of G with contents of H

  12. Sort sheet by F (A-Z with expanded selection)

  13. In rows where F has content, DELETE contents of G

  14. Sort by B (Z-A with expanded selection)

  15. Insert a new column to the left of D

  16. Copy all of column E and insert it into column D by using "paste special" and select values.

  17. Delete column E.

  18. Insert a new column to the left of G

  19. Copy all of column H and insert it into column G by using "paste special" and select values.

  20. Delete column H.

  21. Delete columns H and I.

  22. Fix Headings:

    1. Measurement Topic Name

    2. Grade

    3. Content Area

    4. Related 3.0 Element Code

    5. Scale Level

    6. Vocabulary Term

    7. Element

  23. Save

  24. Load to helpdesk