Combine all tabs onto a single tab (exclude header)
Insert a column left of G
G is now H, G is blank.
Cut contents of D, Paste to I
If done properly, headers now say:
Measurement Topic Name
Content Area
Scale Level
Vocab Term
Related 3.0 Element Code
Insert this formula in D2: =CONCATENATE(A2," (",C2, " ",B2,")")
Drag D2 to the bottom
Insert this formula into G2: =CONCATENATE(I2," - ",H2)
Drag G2 to the bottom
Sort sheet by I (A-Z with expanded selection)
In rows where I is blank (should be all level 4s, replace contents of G with contents of H
Sort sheet by F (A-Z with expanded selection)
In rows where F has content, DELETE contents of G
Sort by B (Z-A with expanded selection)
Insert a new column to the left of D
Copy all of column E and insert it into column D by using "paste special" and select values.
Delete column E.
Insert a new column to the left of G
Copy all of column H and insert it into column G by using "paste special" and select values.
Delete column H.
Delete columns H and I.
Fix Headings:
Measurement Topic Name
Content Area
Related 3.0 Element Code
Scale Level
Vocabulary Term
Load to helpdesk