The Assessment Profile tool in Empower offers a central location to house student assessment data from external, standardized assessments.
Populating the Assessment Profile
To populate the Assessment Profile, admin users will use the Assessment Data Importer Tool. Located on the Tools Menu and turned OFF by default, so you will need to request it be activated via our Helpdesk if you don't see it on your menu. (Use the following address: YOURSITE/default.aspx?tsctrl=HelperCtrls/assessmentdataimport.ascx)
This tool gives the user the ability to load a .CSV file with assessment data. That data needs to be in a specific format or Empower will not be able to recognize it. The following images will be referenced in the below explanations.
Columns A-D are required. Columns E and beyond will be determined by the data.
Column A: Student ID - Identifies the student whose scores appear in this row
Column B: Content Area ID - This is an Empower specific number. You won't know it. Put any number here, it doesn't matter. Use the same number throughout the sheet.
Column C: Assessment Name - This corresponds to the #1 in the above image. Any variation here will create a new table in the Assessment Profile. Each .CSV file should deal with only a single assessment (because column E and beyond will change) so create a new sheet for each different assessment and load them separately.
Column D: Date - The date of the assessment. Use a consistent date format. Something like MM/DD/YYYY
Column E and beyond: These columns will create fields as pictured above and labeled with a #2. These may represent different sections of the assessment and you can have many of them to show columns of different scores (#3) To add more of these, simply continue to create columns to the right in the spreadsheet.
Accessing the Assessment Profile
There are two locations in Empower where this data will be displayed once it is entered.
Anytime you see a student's profile picture (for example, in a gradebook or in the Roster Tool), you can click on it to get a dropdown menu.
To access the Assessment Tool Directly:
- Reporting Tab
- Select a Class/Group
- Roster Tool
- Click a student image
- Assessment Profile
There is also a section in the Learning Profile called Academic Profile which will display the Assessment Data
- Click a student's user image
- Select Learning Profile
- Unfold the Academic Profile